Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I have no idea what to name this post!

The past week has been crazy non stop busy, but yet so low key at the same time..if that is even possible!  The kids and I go non-stop during the week, and the past two weekends have been so relaxing!  I am sure this is just the calm before the storm.  Our storm includes, our Chili Cook off, DISNEY!, Parties, and the upcoming holidays.  A good storm, but a wild one! ;)

I've had a hard time finding time to blog about our days, because I can barley catch my breath most days, but I promised myself I would be better because I want to remember these days in the years to come.

I feel like Caroline has changed so much over the last month!!! She is becoming such a BIG girl.  She is my helper when it comes to cleaning.  Just like her brother she can destroy a perfectly clean room in under 5 seconds, but it is not long before I catch her putting away all the toys. 

She is learning so many new words like, bath (ba), potty (pot)..(and no we are not potty training her yet..wishful thinking though!!), and bye (bi)

She is giving up her morning nap, and now only naps from 1pm-3pm..sometimes 4pm.  She still goes to bed by 7pm, and is wide awake usually by 7:30am.

She is completely head over heels in love with her daddy, but I can't blame her!
She is truly her daddy's girl!!

Pop-E and Gammy got her this super cute shirt recently from a Piggly Wiggly, and I have one to match it!

 The back reads "I (heart) the PIG"

and if you know Caroline, you know she does not go ANYWHERE without her "Miss Piggy"

Grant has been acting nothing less than a 3 year old boy...and I LOVE it!  He is so full of life, I love watching life pass through his eyes. 
 He is enjoying soccer, currently everything in our house is now a soccer ball.
  I can't wait to see what basketball and t-ball bring! :)

This toy happens to be the best $1 Target purchase to date.  It provides oodles of entertainment for both G and C.

G is into everything Thomas!  Thomas comes on at 12:30pm and he knows as soon as Thomas goes off that is nap time.  I think we will have to ask Santa for some more Thomas toys. 

I forgot to take off the hard core evidence that I made my weekly Target run today. 
 Target is my guilty pleasure, I will come up with any excuse to go to Tar-jay! 

....Speaking of Tar-jay, as we were pulling in, there was a man waiting to cross over the street to enter the store.  I sat there as I waited for him to pass, and as he got to the middle, he turned slightly to me and gave me the biggest smile. 

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.
  I suddenly became nauseous.
  I immediately got teary eyed.
  I froze.
 This man looked exactly like my dad, enough so that Grant yelled "Pop-Pop!" 

The lady in the car behind me had to honk her horn for me to come back to reality and to continue on with finding a parking spot. 

I found a spot, and yes, I was that lady in the car balling her eyes out.  Man, I knew I would face moments and feelings like this, but I have no idea they would hit me like a ton of bricks like they did today.

On a lighter note...my kids are currently making this mess for us me to clean up.

It may be a huge mess, but I sure do LOVE seeing them play together!!

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