Saturday, December 31, 2011


If any one is ready for is ME!
 2011 was by far the hardest, toughest, and most draining year of my life.
  I have lost friends before, and even close family members, but none compare to losing my dad.

 I have no idea what 2012 holds for my family and I, but I am looking forward to what is in store for us!

I have never been one to make New Year's Resolutions, but I have pledged to become more organized in the coming year.  I like to think I am a very organized person..until you ask where my keys are, or where my phone is.  I want to organize all of our family documents, all of our "need to save" bills, and those random household papers.  Brad recently found our marriage certificate and Grant's social security card laying on the garage floor. Whoops!  How they got there..I have no clue.  I swear last time I checked they were put away in my closet.  

I want to spend more quality time with my family.
  I have really thought about deleting my facebook account.  Why do I need to know if John Smith is grabbing coffee with John Doe? Do I really care if your child hasn't had a BM in 4 days...TMI people...TMI!!  I found that it is taking away from my kids, and that is a BIG problem.  Either way, my time of facebook will be drastically cut down. 

I plan to blog more.  I love blogging!  It's like a journal of our lives.  I love to go back and read what we were doing a year ago, and see how much Grant and Caroline have changed.  This year I plan to print our blog as a book, to hopefully give to G & C one day.

Brad and I want to become more involved in our Church.  We are joining a church this January, and are very excited for what God has in store for us there. 

We have a very fun family trip planned this year, and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of summer, so we can spend our days on the boat.  I can't believe my little boy will be 4, and our little princess will be 2!!!!! Did I mention my hubby will be THIRTY!?!?

I'll leave you with a picture of Grant and Caroline with Santa I never posted...! 

Did I tell you I wanted to become more organized this year?? 

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