Monday, March 26, 2012


We had a rainy weekend.  We had so much we needed to do around the house, so it was okay with us.  I had to catch up on cleaning and laundry from our vacation, and Brad has been studying for hours straight for a test he has to take for work.

Saturday I got Grant our of the house, so Brad could study while Caroline took a nap.  I went with the intentions of looking for a couple of dresses to wear to multiple events we have coming up this spring.  Grant on the other hand, went just for the playground.
  I should have known.
  By the playground in the mall is a strategically placed Build A Bear.
  Funny how they do that, huh?

Grant has been wanting a dog, but Brad and I are just not ready to make that leap right now.  He does love his Lucy, who is "his" dog at Brad's parents.  Grant spotted a "Lucy" in the window at Build A Bear, and I didn't have the heart to tell him no!
  Our new Lucy is fully potty trained, is on a no food type of diet, and sleeps all night.

Now..that is my kind of dog!
Grant and his Lucy.
  He informs us that he has a real Lucy and a pretend Lucy.
  Thankfully, he is okay with the pretend Lucy living at our house!

I woke up Sunday morning at 6am to get ready for church.  I usually get the kids up at 7 to start getting them ready and fed.  When I went to wake up Caroline, both of her eyes were swollen shut with green crust. 

It was safe to say we were not headed to church.

Instead we ended up at the Urgent Care with 2 kids who have Pink Eye.
We all 4 received a prescription for drops, since it is highly contagious.

Our Sunday consisted of popcorn, movies, Brad studying, a visit from Gammy D and Pop-E, and some basketball!

Grant whipped out his gun when he saw the Tar Heels on T.V.
I'm proud!

The kids seem to be better today.
  I hope our week is not spent indoors with 2 sick kiddos, while the weather is so beautiful out.

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